Welcome to my website!

a bit about me!

My name is Ziana Suleman and I have just completed my third ​year of Engineering Science at the University of Toronto. I am ​majoring in Mathematics, Statistics, and Finance Engineering ​and planning to pursue a minor in Artificial Intelligence and a ​certificate in engineering business. I am passionate about ​product management in the tech industry, where I thrive on ​transforming innovative ideas into user-centric solutions. My ​dedication lies in bridging the gap between technology and ​customer needs, driving impactful products that make a ​difference.

Link to Resume: Ziana Suleman Resume

Key Highlights

Product Manager, KPMG May 2023-August 2023, May 2024-Present

  • Gathered and documented product requirements and created detailed user stories using Azure DevOps ​to provide a clear roadmap for software development automation tasks, resulting in a 20% reduction of ​development errors
  • Developed and executed database queries in SQL for frontend and backend testing ensuring a 100% ​pass rate on client import features on the asset management web application
  • Facilitated client meetings to understand needs and pain points, providing valuable insights for ​developing Power Queries in PowerBI to display critical information on capital gains and income ​distribution across 30+ funds
  • Led monthly presentations for senior leadership, showcasing key new features from the current month’s ​release and demonstrating how the business team can leverage these enhancements to meet their ​objectives


AI Engine for Gomoku

I created an AI engine using python for a user to play ​against in a game of Gomoku which displays a board of the ​current tiles and prompts the AI to choose the most ​advantageous move.

Stock Portfolio Optimization

I developed an algorithm that leverages a dataset of adjusted ​closing prices for 20 U.S stocks and determines the portfolio ​weights that will maximize the sharpe ratio and minimize average ​turnover. This algorithm was developed by testing and comparing ​the output of different mean variance optimization models with an ​ordinary least squares method. The final method leveraged k fold ​cross validation for ridge regression and the sharpe ratio ​maximization optimization model.

Parameters that Affect NBA players Points Per Game

I cleaned and processed an NBA players dataset and conduct linear ​regression analysis in R to determine what effect do Number of Games ​Started, Turnovers per Game, Field Goals Attempted per Game, Age, ​and a player’s Primary Position have on an NBA player's average Points ​per Game? A linear regression model would allowed me to visualize the ​strength of the relationship between each predictor variable and our ​response variable. The following google colab link demonstrates the ​entire linear regression analysis conducted.

Inventory Management System

Collaborated with 3 other students to develop a request for proposal for ​a non-profit organization to improve their inventory management ​system. We developed low-fidelity prototypes for multiple solutions ​including a chatbot, an app, and a website using figma and marvel to ​determine the best solution for our stakeholders. We iterated through ​multiple designs and made improvements to each design based on ​stakeholder requirements and user testing to develop a user-friendly ​design for the organization. Finally, we presented our fully functioning ​design at the year-end showcase to faculty and stakeholders with a ​Q&A period to demonstrate the benefits of our improved inventory ​management system.

Cycle Connect Attachable Device to Bike for Farmers

Farmers in Uganda transport their crops on rough terrain to the city ​center using their bike loaned by CycleConnect. Crops can experience ​mechanical damage making them harder to sell. My team's solution ​was to create an attachable device that stores produce inside the box ​and is strapped to the bikes. Its main feature is that it reduces the ​mechanical damage experienced by produce. The concept is an active ​system that detects bumps in terrain and a self-stabilizing mechanism ​responds to counteract up and down motion.

In Progress... Developing a Neural Network to predict the breed and ​age category of cats

I am currently starting a new project to develop a convolutional neural ​network that leverages a kaggle dataset to predict the breed and age ​category of a cat based on an image. The dataset has been cleaned and ​processed and the progress can be seen using the google colab link

Leadership Experience and Extracurriculars

Engineers Without Borders - Programs Director

Currently I am the Programs Director for Engineers without Borders ​UofT Chapter. I oversee four programs that provide high school and ​unvisersity students an opportunity to learn more about engineering ​design, global engineering, and engineering values. Our branch hosts ​two biweekly workshops, an overnight conference, and a hackathon. I ​have had the opportunity to provide mentorship and guidance to my ​project leads to ensure successful project execution and individual skill ​development.

Engineers Without Borders -xChange Conference Event Manager

I am currently overseeing the logistics, finance, outreach, and ​sponsorships for our one day conference to host all EWB university ​chapters across Ontario in a day filled with activities, workshops, ​guest speakers, networking and more!

UTSGISA Dance Team Member/Choreographer

As a member and incoming choreographer of the UTSGISA dance team, ​I had the opportunity to perform at a showcase at McMaster University ​and at a sports and dance competition held at one of Ontario's ​Universities once a year!

KPMG Social Impact Intern Committee Co-Captain

I led the Social Impact Intern Committee consisting of 15 members, ​and successfully launched two initiatives surrounding local and ​global issues, fostering intern involvement throughout the summer ​term. These initiatives including creating a KPMG World ​Partnership Walk team and holding a book drive at KPMG.

KPMG Ace the Case Mentor

As a mentor for KPMG's Ace the Case Competition, I was partnered ​with a team to guide them throughout the case competition, share ​my experiences as an intern, and offer advice to my team. I also ​was able to oversee their presentation to a panel of KPMG judges.

UofT Engineering Orientation Week Leader and Sub Committee Chair

I had the opportunity to welcome first year students to UofT ​engineering and offer mentorship and advice to incoming students as ​well as plan the cheer off which is the end of orientation week event.

Contact Information

Feel free to email me or message me on linkedin!