Welcome to my website!
a bit about me!
My name is Ziana Suleman and I have just completed my third year of Engineering Science at the University of Toronto. I am majoring in Mathematics, Statistics, and Finance Engineering and planning to pursue a minor in Artificial Intelligence and a certificate in engineering business. I am passionate about product management in the tech industry, where I thrive on transforming innovative ideas into user-centric solutions. My dedication lies in bridging the gap between technology and customer needs, driving impactful products that make a difference.
Link to Resume: Ziana Suleman Resume
Key Highlights
Product Manager, KPMG May 2023-August 2023, May 2024-Present
AI Engine for Gomoku
I created an AI engine using python for a user to play against in a game of Gomoku which displays a board of the current tiles and prompts the AI to choose the most advantageous move.
Stock Portfolio Optimization
I developed an algorithm that leverages a dataset of adjusted closing prices for 20 U.S stocks and determines the portfolio weights that will maximize the sharpe ratio and minimize average turnover. This algorithm was developed by testing and comparing the output of different mean variance optimization models with an ordinary least squares method. The final method leveraged k fold cross validation for ridge regression and the sharpe ratio maximization optimization model.
Parameters that Affect NBA players Points Per Game
I cleaned and processed an NBA players dataset and conduct linear regression analysis in R to determine what effect do Number of Games Started, Turnovers per Game, Field Goals Attempted per Game, Age, and a player’s Primary Position have on an NBA player's average Points per Game? A linear regression model would allowed me to visualize the strength of the relationship between each predictor variable and our response variable. The following google colab link demonstrates the entire linear regression analysis conducted.
Inventory Management System
Collaborated with 3 other students to develop a request for proposal for a non-profit organization to improve their inventory management system. We developed low-fidelity prototypes for multiple solutions including a chatbot, an app, and a website using figma and marvel to determine the best solution for our stakeholders. We iterated through multiple designs and made improvements to each design based on stakeholder requirements and user testing to develop a user-friendly design for the organization. Finally, we presented our fully functioning design at the year-end showcase to faculty and stakeholders with a Q&A period to demonstrate the benefits of our improved inventory management system.
Cycle Connect Attachable Device to Bike for Farmers
Farmers in Uganda transport their crops on rough terrain to the city center using their bike loaned by CycleConnect. Crops can experience mechanical damage making them harder to sell. My team's solution was to create an attachable device that stores produce inside the box and is strapped to the bikes. Its main feature is that it reduces the mechanical damage experienced by produce. The concept is an active system that detects bumps in terrain and a self-stabilizing mechanism responds to counteract up and down motion.
In Progress... Developing a Neural Network to predict the breed and age category of cats
I am currently starting a new project to develop a convolutional neural network that leverages a kaggle dataset to predict the breed and age category of a cat based on an image. The dataset has been cleaned and processed and the progress can be seen using the google colab link
Leadership Experience and Extracurriculars
Engineers Without Borders - Programs Director
Currently I am the Programs Director for Engineers without Borders UofT Chapter. I oversee four programs that provide high school and unvisersity students an opportunity to learn more about engineering design, global engineering, and engineering values. Our branch hosts two biweekly workshops, an overnight conference, and a hackathon. I have had the opportunity to provide mentorship and guidance to my project leads to ensure successful project execution and individual skill development.
Engineers Without Borders -xChange Conference Event Manager
I am currently overseeing the logistics, finance, outreach, and sponsorships for our one day conference to host all EWB university chapters across Ontario in a day filled with activities, workshops, guest speakers, networking and more!
UTSGISA Dance Team Member/Choreographer
As a member and incoming choreographer of the UTSGISA dance team, I had the opportunity to perform at a showcase at McMaster University and at a sports and dance competition held at one of Ontario's Universities once a year!
KPMG Social Impact Intern Committee Co-Captain
I led the Social Impact Intern Committee consisting of 15 members, and successfully launched two initiatives surrounding local and global issues, fostering intern involvement throughout the summer term. These initiatives including creating a KPMG World Partnership Walk team and holding a book drive at KPMG.
KPMG Ace the Case Mentor
As a mentor for KPMG's Ace the Case Competition, I was partnered with a team to guide them throughout the case competition, share my experiences as an intern, and offer advice to my team. I also was able to oversee their presentation to a panel of KPMG judges.
UofT Engineering Orientation Week Leader and Sub Committee Chair
I had the opportunity to welcome first year students to UofT engineering and offer mentorship and advice to incoming students as well as plan the cheer off which is the end of orientation week event.
Contact Information
Feel free to email me or message me on linkedin!